A Story of Success

A Story of Success

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to compose a short article about my entrepreneurial journey – to be tentatively titled ‘A Story of Success’. I was delighted to be given this opportunity to compose such an article as it would encourage me to objectively review the past 24 months spent on this creative endeavour.

However, I have found that this process would not be so easy. Even getting started was fraught with confusion, conjecture and complexity: how do I define ‘success’?

A Story of Success

Is it monetary worth?
Is it ‘notable’ achievements?
Is it ‘overcoming objections to close a deal’?
Is it overcoming disappointments and set-backs?
Perhaps, all the above, and more?

I began to ‘Google!’ a ‘definition of success’ and in doing so, I came across this article from the Business Insider UK Magazine (online), about ‘How 9 Incredibly Successful People Define Success’.

A Story of Success

This article became a perfect template to cross reference with my own journey and to see how my definition of success compares to these world-leading entrepreneurs. I hope that you, too, will gain some valuable insights and knowledge from these quotations as well. Combined, they certainly contribute towards a blueprint for a happy and fulfilling life, both inside and outside of the business world.

“To live the lives we truly want and deserve, and not just the lives we settle for, we need a Third Metric, a third measure of success that goes beyond the two metrics of money and power, and consists of four pillars: well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving.” ~ Arianna Huffington, Founder, The Huffington Post

Firstly, in relation to Arianna’s definition, I would suggest that any dedicated, passionate entrepreneur, he / she who is willing put their ‘skin in the game’ to make the necessary sacrifices are those not willing to settle for ‘average’.

They are the dreamers. They are ready for ‘The Challenge’.

Of course, we all need money to survive, that’s self-evident, but power? The ‘power’ which the Personal-a-Teas Café Community seeks, is the power and strength in community and togetherness.

Our community is #somuchmore than individuality, latte art, nifty apps or loyalty cards. We connect. We build. We reward. We win. Together.

A Story of Success

If the ‘The Third Metric’ involves: ‘well-being, wisdom, wonder and giving’, then the journey for the Personal-a-Teas Café Community has been a resounding success (so far). Personally, I’ve never been fitter (check those stats!!!), I’m always meeting and greeting people (that’s my personality!), I certainly learn something new every day and creativity is at the heart of the Personal-a-Teas concept, providing positivity to people, daily!

A Story of Success

“Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming” ~ John Wooden, legendary basketball coach and “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” ~ Maya Angelou, poet and writer

Every day, we give 110% of time, effort, thought, creativity, positivity, towards building the Personal-a-Teas Café Community. At the time of writing, our efforts so far have seen 4 cafes and 3 strategic partners come onboard, already.

A Story of Success

Our outgoing, positive approach towards the general-public and others, whilst promoting our client cafes have resulted in testimonials and compliments which would melt one’s heart! On hearing these kind words, we know we’re doing the right things, our attitude is right and this brings satisfaction, raised spirits and increased esteem.

A Story of Success

Emotional ‘Success!’

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” ~ Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister

On the entrepreneurial journey, there is no such thing as losing or failure, unless of course, you tend to repeat mistakes. The entrepreneurial journey is a unique learning experience.

‘You win, or you learn’.

On The ‘Personal-a-Teas Journey’, ‘failure’ would be too strong a term to use, Mr. Churchill. Obstacles, criticisms, rudeness, disconnections, knock-backs are all part of the entrepreneurial journey. It’s not for the faint-hearted.

We have been knocked down many times on this journey, in fact, more times than experiencing successes, but, it’s through these ‘lessons’ that the successes have come.

A Story of Success

‘Learn. Be positive. Remain enthusiastic’.

Agreed, Mr. Churchill!

“The more you’re actively and practically engaged, the more successful you will feel.” ~ Richard Branson, CEO, Virgin

This is an interesting one for me.

This week, I, personally hit what all entrepreneurs will have experienced, a type of emotional supposedly insurmountable wall. This ‘wall’ borders panic, depression, confusion, helplessness…it can be damn difficult to overcome.

A Story of Success

Through getting out and meeting people, through composing articles (like this one!), through going for a walk – clearing the head, through picking up the phone and arranging to go for a coffee with a friend… ‘Action!’

Success, is climbing over that wall.

“Success is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.” ~ Thomas Edison, Inventor

Anyone can have an idea. Not everyone can make their idea a reality.

It takes time, effort, coffee (a lot of!) and shoe-leather. You need the right attitude, motivation and indominatable spirit, not to give up at the first sign of difficulty.

My personal success is that I have made the Personal-a-Teas Café Community a reality. I ‘put food on the table’ through the successful workings of my creative concept. (How satisfying is that?).
At the time of writing, real traction is being gained and momentum is truly beginning to build…

A Story of Success

“If you carefully consider what you want to be said of you in the funeral experience, you will find your definition of success.” ~ Stephen Covey, Author

Here’s my epitaph: ‘He brightened up people’s days’.

A Story of Success


“Success in life could be defined as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals.” ~ Deepak Chopra, Physician and Author

An expansion of happiness? The Personal-a-Teas concept, through our fun café promotions, our Personal-a-Teas Selfies and indeed our wonderful Personal-a-Teas Selfie gifts have proven there is real magic, real emotion in this concept. I have received hugs, letters and fantastic testimonials from customers and recipients, alike. Not everybody can say that their idea / concept / products and service have brought such smiles to people’s faces.

A Story of Success

We at ‘Personal-a-Teas’ can!

A Story of Success

We are a success.

A Story of Success

And this is only the beginning…

A Story of Success

Ref: Je Suis Personality
Ref: Boston Donuts
Ref: Take a Second to Look Around You!
Ref: The Day Is My Enemy
Ref: Two Pups Coffee
Ref: Coffee and Shoe-leather
Ref: Create your Personal-a-Tea Selfie